Health Care Providers

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Health Care Providers

HMT’s “Getting to the Point”….online software for Manual Therapy to Restore Function, Improve Performance and give Immediate Pain Relief 

Thank you for your interest in HMT's "Getting to the Point". If you are already a subscriber, please login using the link above.

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Subscriber Address (check if same as Bill To)
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Login Password:
Password must be great than 6 characters,
and contain at least 1 number and 1 upper case letter.

Subscription rates: $19.99 is for 1 month or 500 accesses, whichever comes first.
$199.99 is for 1 year or 6000 accesses, whichever comes first.

Select Subscription:
* Credit Card Number:  Visa, MasterCard, Discover
* Expiration Date:   Month:     Year:  
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© One Source Unlimited Inc, dba Hanson Muscle Therapy 2015, all rights reserved